rcsb.app.template 0.15 py-rcsb_app_template Template Python Web Service Application
rcsb.ccmodels 0.23 See: README.md
rcsb.db 1.723 RCSB DB A collection of Python Database Utility Classes Introduction...
rcsb.exdb 1.24 py-rcsb_exdb RCSB exchange database extraction and loading workflow tools Introduction...
rcsbsearchapi 1.6.0 rcsbsearchapi Python interface for the RCSB PDB Search API. This package requires Python...
rcsb.utils.seqalign 0.29 RCSB Python Sequence Alignment Utilities Introduction This module contains wrapper methods...
rcsb.utils.struct 0.48 RCSB Python Primary Structure Data Utilities Introduction Python utility classes for...
rcsb.utils.targets 0.82 RCSB Python Target Data Management Utilities Introduction This module contains methods...
rcsb.utils.taxonomy 0.44 RCSB Python Taxonomy Data Utilities Introduction This module contains utility methods...
rcsb.utils.validation 0.32 RCSB Python PDB Validation Data Utilities Introduction Python utility classes for...
rcsb.workflow 0.45 py-rcsb_workflow Introduction RCSB Python workflow entry points for data processing and...
rcsh 0.2.3 rcsh Non-interactive command whitelisted...
RCSParser 0.0.1 Rockstar Social Club Parser Can give you all needed jobs by link or filters.
rcssmin 1.1.2 RCSSmin is a CSS minifier. The minifier is based on the semantics of the...
rctSlime 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rdalal 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rdata 0.11.2 rdata Read R datasets from Python. The package rdata offers a...
rdb2csv 0.1 rdb to csv This is a tool to convert rdb to csv. rdb is...
rdbunit 1.1.4 RDBUnit: Unit testing for relational database queries RDBUnit is a unit testing...
rdc.common 0.1.0 rdc.common contains a few simple general purpose utilities that are used by various different projects.
rdc.etl 1.0.0a6 rdc.etl is an Extract Transform Load (ETL) toolkit for python 2.7+ (no python 3...
rdcli Use Read-Debrid from your command line ! rdcli is a tool allowing...
rdcompiler 0.1.0 RD-Compiler Introduction This is a Python library that "compiles" Rhythm Doctor custom levels.
rddl2tf 0.5.13 rddl2tf RDDL2TensorFlow compiler in Python3. Quickstart rddl2tf is a Python 3.5+ package...
rddlgym 0.5.15 rddlgym A toolkit for working with RDDL domains in Python3. Its main purpose is...
rddlrepository 2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rdeerservice 2.0.2 RDEER-SERVICE rdeer-service is a tool to facilitate the use of Reindeer as a socket...
rdffingerprinter 0.3.1 RDF fingerprinter Understand the structure of your RDF data at a glance using automatically...
rdflibjsonld 0.6.2 ARCHIVED This `rdflib <https://pypi.org/project/rdflib/>`_ plugin is deprecated for, as of the 2021-09-17 release...
rdflibjsonldwithout2to3 0.7.0 ARCHIVED The 0.7.0 release of this tool is a come back of rdflib-jsonld without...
rdflibsqlalchemy 0.5.4 SQLAlchemy store formula-aware implementation. It stores its triples in the following partitions:
rdflibsqlalchemyredux 0.3.4 SQLAlchemy store formula-aware implementation. It stores its triples in the following partitions:
rdflibsqlite 0.1 SQLite store formula-aware implementation. It stores its triples in the following partitions: * Asserted non...
rdfloom 0.0.7 RDF Loom RDF Loom is a library of python functions that can be utilized...
rdftohtml 1.1.0 # RDF to HTML converter The RDF to HTML converter aims to provide documentation...
rdftools 0.2.0 # RDF ToolsThis package consists of a set of command-line tools that do interesting things...
rdftosqlite 0.2 rdf-to-sqlite Load the contents of an...
rdial 1.2.1 rdial is a simple way to track the time you spend on tasks. It tracks...
rdiffbackup 2.2.6 rdiff-backup is a simple backup tool which can be used locally and remotely, on...
rdltr 0.1.16 rdltr ⚠️ rdltr is no longer maintained. ...
rdmcl 1.1.0 Recursive Dynamic Markov Clustering A method for identifying hierarchical orthogroups among homologous...
rdopkg 1.8.0 # rdopkg rdopkg is an RPM packaging automation tool. It provides automation for...
rdpalgo 0.1.1 Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Ramer-Douglas-Peucker python implementation. Installation pip install rdp-algo Usage
rdrive 1.0.40 Python-API This folder contains Python 3 wrapper for the C library. Implementation is...
rdscep 0.0.2 É uma biblioteca pública em Python que condensa um conjunto de boas práticas para o...
rdsscheduler 1.1.5 CDK RDS Scheduler Construct This is a CDK construct for creating a...
rdssnapshot 0.2.1 # rds-snapshot rds-snapshot is a tool for creating and managing RDS snapshots from the...
rdtools 2.1.8 RdTools is an open-source library to support reproducible technical analysis of PV time series...
rdwrapper 0.0.8 RD Wrapper A simple and easy-to-use Python wrapper...
rdwv 1.0 rdwv SDK This is a client...