readwisedjangorqscheduler 1.2.1 # Django RQ Scheduler A database backed job scheduler for Django RQ. ##...
readwisepyinstapaper 0.2.3 Instapaper is a tool for saving web pages to read later, e.g. offline on a
ReadWriteMemory 0.1.5 ReadWriteMemory Description The ReadWriteMemory Class is made on Python for reading and writing...
ready 0.5.2 ready A set of...
readyapi 0.112.0 ReadyAPI ReadyAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready...
readyapicli 0.0.6 ReadyAPI CLI ...
readyapiclislim 0.0.6 ReadyAPI CLI ...
readyapislim 0.110.3 ReadyAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
readycheck 1.0.1 readycheck Python package providing...
readycloud 0.3.2 Python client for ReadyCloud API. Free software: BSD license Documentation:
readyrector 1.0 Easy to implement redirect middleware, which loads redirects from a configurable backend. ...
reagex 0.1.2 The goal of reagex (from “readable regular expression”) is to suggest a way for...
reahlpaypalsupport 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
reahlpostgresqlsupport 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
reahlsqlalchemysupport 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
reahlsqlitesupport 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
reahlstubble 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
reahltofu 7.0.3 Reahl is a web application framework that allows a Python programmer to work in...
Reaktor 0.5.1 # //Reaktor ## Quickstart pip install -e . useradd reaktor...
realalg 0.3.4 RealAlg provides real algebraic numbers (embedded into R). This is achieved through a variety...
realAPI 0.1 realAPI A python wrapper for realAPI Installation Let's get started. pip...
realbook 1.0.2 Realbook, a library to make using audio on TensorFlow easier.
realCfg 1.0.0 #realDB 基于sqlite的单机配置管理器 ###版本日志: 1.0.0 一个配置项可以有:
realchat 1.2 realchat Features One to one chat message encrypted...
realcookie 1.0.9 This module allows you to save cookie images from a URL to a folder and...
realDB 0.2.2 #realDB 支持多个数据库的python统一封装 ###功能说明 版本日志: 0.2.2
realdjangos3 1.2.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
realestatebot 0.0.2 realestatebot tool for ripping Australian real estate listings
realestatescrape 0.1.5 real-estate-scrape Get the estimated value of a property from Redfin and Zillow Automated...
realexpayments 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
realfakepg 0.0.0 PG Test Helper This provides PyTest fixtures that can create real Postgres databases for...
realign 0.1.38 Realign: Evaluation & Experimentation Framework for AI Applications realign is an evaluation...
realpy 0.0.1.dev0 dyupkg1 History
realpyengineiconer 1.0.0 Realpy Engine
realPython 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
realpythondjangoreceipts 1.1.0 This is the sample code used in the Real Python article How to Write an
realreq 0.7.4 realreq: real requirements for real projects realreq is the lightweight tool that...
RealThreading 0.0.1 RealThreading: The multi-processing module for Python 3.5.To use:>>>import rt>>>t=rt.IsoThread(target_function,args=arguments,kwargs=keyword arguments)>>>t.start()>>>t.wait()>>>print(t.result())>>>t.clean() Since the only multi-threading module...
realtimekql 2.2.4 Real-Time KQL for Python To process data with Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries today,...
realtimestock 1.0.0 Realtime Stock Realtime Stock is a...
RealToolkits 1.4.2 #realDB 一些python的语法糖小工具 ###版本日志: v1.4.2 整理成发布包,添加安装、版权、readme,dll文件的检索改为到 ExeclMeta.py文件所在路径寻找。 v1.4.1 优化了realFileTookits,用 get_all_files+文件名正则表达式匹配...
reanaclient 0.9.3 REANA-Client
reanacluster 0.6.1 About REANA-Cluster is a component of the REANA reusable and reproducible research data...
reanadb 0.9.4 REANA DB ...
reapitcdk.activeruleset 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/active-ruleset This construct returns the currently...
reapitcdk.cloudfrontinvalidation 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/cloudfront-invalidation CloudFront invalidations are very error...
reapitcdk.crossregionstackexport 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/cross-region-stack-export Allows you to share values...
reapitcdk.edgeapiswapper 0.1.5 @reapit-cdk/edge-api-swagger Add a swagger endpoint to...
reapitcdk.emailreceiver 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/email-receiver This construct sets up everything...
reapitcdk.entraidapplication 0.1.0 @reapit-cdk/entra-id-application This construct creates and manages...
reapitcdk.reapitproduct 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/reapit-product Creates a product in the...
reapitcdk.replicatedkey 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/replicated-key Creates a KMS key and...
reapitcdk.replicatedsecret 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/replicated-secret Creates a Secret and replicates...
reapitcdk.servicequotas 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/service-quotas This construct allows you to...
reapitcdk.userpooldomain 0.1.2 @reapit-cdk/userpool-domain This construct returns the given...
reapitcdk.wildcardcertificate 0.1.0 @reapit-cdk/wildcard-certificate This construct returns a wildcard...
reason 1.0.7 Reason Python lightweight easy-to-use natural language...
reaver 2.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rebasehelper 0.29.2 Welcome to rebase-helper There are several steps that need to be done...
rebbvalpython3 1.0.1 RebbVal-Python Python verion of RebbVal What is RebbVal Is RebbVal a validation...
rebecca.todict bpmappers 0.1 Contents rebecca.todict_bpmappers INSTALL USAGE Contributors Changelog...
rebecca.view 0.2 Contents rebecca.view BasicView methods and properties Softification...
rebelbase 1.0.0a7 RebelBase RebelBase is a Python package for working with numbers of any...
reblob 0.0.2 reblob Tool for doing a reblog/reply/whatever of an existing webpage. Given a URL,...
rebop 0.8.3 rebop rebop is a fast stochastic simulator for well-mixed chemical reaction networks....
reboticsscripts 19.5.5 Collection of scripts for rebotics
rebound 4.4.3 Welcome to REBOUND REBOUND is an N-body integrator, i.e. a software package...
reboundx 4.3.0 Welcome to REBOUNDx (eXtras) REBOUNDx allows you to easily incorporate additional physics into your...
rec 0.1.1 a collection of some useful regular expressions. Hello, world Installation...
ReCalc 0.1.12 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recaptchasolver 1.0.4 Recaptcha solver Resolve Recaptcha...
recarguide 0.0.1
recastatlas 0.4.2 RECAST for ATLAS ATLAS...
recdroidvid 0.1.0 reddroidvid Monitor and record video from Android devices remotely, pulling, renaming, and optionally...
receiptparser 1.1 receiptparser Summary A receipt and...
receitatools 2.2.0 receita-tools=============|pypi| |travis| |license|**Idiomas do README:** |ptbr| |en|Um conjunto de ferramentas para permitir a automatização das...
recentindonesiaearthquake 0.4 # Recent Indonesia Earthquake This package will get recent earthquake from BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological,...
receptacle 0.4.0 Object-Oriented Peer-to-Peer RPC access library and server application framework.:Author: `Thetaplane <[email protected]>`__:Requires: Python 2.6+:Version: 0.4.0:Group Application:...
recharge 1.0.0 This library makes interacting with the Recharge API dead simple. Installation...
recho 1.0.2 Reddit Echo Reposts Reddit posts from a target user to a specific slack channel
rechub 0.0.5 RecHub Implementations of some methods in recommendation. Models ...
recipe2txt 0.5.2 Introduction recipe2txt is a CLI-program that you can feed your urls of recipes and...
recipebox 0.1.3 Recipe Box This program takes a recipe URL, scrapes the recipe website,...
recipecaching 0.6.0 Recipe_Caching is an MIT licensed caching extension for the recipe querying library, written in...
recipemd 4.1.0 RecipeMD A standard format for recipes as Markdown files and a python reference...
recipemdextract 1.1.1 recipemd-extract recipemd-extract extracts recipes from websites and saves them in the recipemd format. It...
reciprocal smallest distance 1.1.7 UNKNOWN
reckit 0.2.4 RecKit RecKit is a...
reckless 0.3 If you encounter a top-level exception while running a python program in a tty,...
reckon 0.2.0 reckon: Dead-simple, dynamic memoization ...
reclaimer 2.11.2 Reclaimer What is this repository for?
reclassrs 0.4.0 reclass-rs: A Reclass implementation in Rust Reclass is a library which defines a syntax...
recliner 0.3.1 Recliner========
reclusivecli 0.5.0a3 # ReclusiveCLI - The Reclusive Command Line Interpreter This is just a small lib...
Recolor 0.1.4 Recolor Recolor is a powerful Python module that allows you to set console colors...
recombinator Recombinator - Statistical Resampling in Python Overview Recombinator is a Python package for...
recommenderblackboxes 0.0.2 recommender-blackboxes Easy to use free python recommendation package (under development)
recommenderengine 0.3.0 Recommender is a recommendation application using either item-based or user-based approaches. Recommender is at...
recommenders 1.2.0 Recommender Utilities This package contains functions to simplify common tasks used when developing and...
recomphdbprovx 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recomprwlock 0.1 ### ReComp RWLock library This module includes a class that offers a readers-writer file...
reconchesstools 0.2.1 reconchess-tools: utilities to aid bot development for reconchess Getting started developing bots in python...
reconic1 1.7.0 Reconic | All-in-One Reconnaissance Tool Reconic is a network scanning and discovery tool designed...
reconplogger 4.16.1 reconplogger - omni:us python logger This repository contains the code of reconplogger, a python...
reconstatsldax 0.0.4 The repo is an update fix version for sburns/recon-stats. The original repo seems to be...
reconstruct 2.03 ReConstruct is a continuation of the excellent ‘Construct’ library by Tomer Filiba <tomerfiliba [at]...
ReconstructOrder 0.0.1 ReconstructOrder Reconstruct birefringence, slow axis, bright-field, and degree of polarization from polarization-resolved images. The...
Record 4.1 Overview Record provides special objects used in some Zope internals like ZRDB. Records...
recOrderbasetest 0.0.1 recOrder record Order (recOrder): A framework for live-processing birefringence data dependencies
RecordFlux 0.24.0 RecordFlux RecordFlux is a toolset for the formal specification and...
RecordFluxparser 0.13.0 RecordFlux Parser This is the parser for the RecordFlux language which is based on...
recordkit 0.1.10 record-kit A simple record toolkit generating human-readable data record in experiments. Installation...
records 0.6.0 Records: SQL for Humans™ Records is a very simple, but powerful, library...
recordscsp Records: SQL for Humans™ Records is a very...
recordsfork 0.5.5 Records: SQL for Humans™ ☤ The Basics We know...
recordtype 1.4 NOTE In Python 3.7 a better solution than recordtype is to use dataclasses....
recoursegame 0.1a1 Recourse Game This repository contains the original implementation of the Multi-agent, Multi-time step...
recoverpy 2.1.9 Recover overwritten or deleted data.
RecoVoc 1.0.5 .. raw:: html <h1 align="center">RecoVoc.. raw:: html </h1>.. raw:: html <h4 align="center">Projet de reconnaissance vocale...
recsysmetrics 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recsysslatesdataset 1.0.3 Slate Dataset for Recommender Systems We release the slate dataset...
recsystem 6.0.0 Some long description sazing the same
rectanglepacker 2.0.2 Pack a set of rectangles into a bounding box with minimum area ...
rectanglepackingsolver 0.0.5 rectangle-packing-solver
rectify 2.2 rectify rectify is a tiny Python package whose sole purpose of life is generating
rectiou 0.0.1 rectiou Rectiou is a pytorch implementation of the intersection over union (IoU) between two...
RecTools 0.8.0 RecTools
recurrent 0.4.1 See
recurring 2.0.0 Recurring This is a simple library for running a function or callable...
recurringicalevents 3.2.0 ICal has some complexity to it: Events, TODOs and Journal entries can be repeated,...
recurringsched 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
recursetreeprocess 0.0.2 A Functional util for recursive tree processing Usage from tree_utils.fs_recursion import RecursionStrategy, ProcessingFunctions,...
recursionvisualizer 0.0.1 recursion-visualizer Stop drawing recursion trees by hand. RecursionVisualizer creates beautiful,...
recursivecompression 3.5.2 Introduction This tool relies on Tinyscript and allows to recursively (de)compress nested archives according...
recursivedecorator 1.0.7 Decorator to apply a given decorator recursively on all function, inside a function/method, recursively....
recursivedictionaryupdate 0.1.0 Recursively Update a Dictionary Free software: MIT license
recycle 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redashstmoswathi 2018.24.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redbean 0.6.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
redbike 0.13.1 # RedbikeA simple, flexible scheduler for pools of distributed workers.Redbike is a helpful building block...